This chapter claims that the subject of China's collective rural land ownership is not a non-corporate body and can't be transformed into a non-corporate body. 本章通过对我国集体土地所有权主体制度的深入分析,认为我国集体土地所有权之主体不是非法人团体,且亦不能对其以非法人团体形式进行再造;
An individual or collective gesture or display of disapproval. Body language is the nonverbal sign which transmits information by human people's posture and expression. 个人,集体反对个人或集体表示反对的姿态或表现体态语是通过人的姿态和表情来传递信息的非语言符号。
It has become a long-established tradition in our Party for a collective body of the Party and not any individual to make decisions on important questions. 在我们党内,从长时期以来,由党的集体而不由个人决定重大的问题,已经形成一个传统。
In the implementation of Village autonomy Regularity, as the basic-level rural collective economic body, village groups keep direct contact with villagers, thus play an internuncial role. 在村民自治制度化的实施当中,村民小组作为最基层的一级农村集体经济组织,直接联系农户,处于上通下达的关键位置。
The collective body of Christians throughout the world and history. 世界上和历史上所有的基督教徒。
Some societies express strong feelings by means of collective rhythmical body movements. 有些群体的人通过集体有节奏的身体动作来表达强烈的感情。
How is a city like a soul and in what respect is self-governance, the control of one's passions and appetites, in what respect is self-control? like the governance of a collective body? 城市如何像灵魂,且在哪些层面自管、,自控一个人的激情、欲望,在哪些层面,这些会像是管理一个集体?
Enterprise collective training: We offer special training service for employees and security or body guards. 企业集体培训:本门提供对企业职员或安保保镖人员等特训服务。
I will ingest only items that preserve peace, well being, and joy in my body, in my consciousness, and in the collective body and consciousness of my family and society. 我发现只摄取那些有助于维护我的身体、意识、以及家庭和社会的幸福与安祥的物品。
On the contrary, When collective consciousness makes turbulence, the body and mind will trap in a state of unhealthiness, unhappiness and unpleasure. 相反的,当意识不和谐时,身心就处在不健康、不幸的、不喜悦的状态。
The property right of collective land in villages of Zhangye was investigated and analyzed, through main body confirming of property right of collective land, investigation of land ownership, and maintenance of boundary line and points. 通过农村集体土地产权主体确认、土地权属调查、土地权属界线与界址点调查认定,对张掖市农村集体土地产权进行了调查分析。
Accompanying with economical society development, some problems occurred in collective land reform are disclosed as follows: indefinite main body of ownership, uncomplete right ability, lots of limited elements in transformation of land using right, which should be reformed immediately. 随着经济社会的发展,国家在集体土地的管理中存在的问题,如所有权主体不明确、权能不完整、土地使用权流转限制因素过多等逐渐暴露出来,需要进行改革。
It is proposed in this thesis to reform the present system of the collective land ownership, to clarify the main body as well as the content of the collective land ownership, to correctly handle the interest relation between the nation, the collectivity, and the farmers. 建议改革现行的集体土地所有权制度,明晰集体土地产权主体及内容,正确处理土地征收中国家、集体、农民个人之间的利益关系。
The paper indicates there presently exist the problems in Yunnan collective forest property right system, including the nominal main body of the ownership, vague boundary of individual function of forestry property right, nonstop conflict of forest right, imperfect countermeasure of twinning management, etc. 指出目前云南集体林林权制度存在着所有权主体虚置、林地产权的各项权能边界不清、林地权属四至界线不清、林权纠纷不断、配套管理措施不全等问题。
A general formalism is given for the collective motion in a system with general multipolar deformations, which is treated as vibrations in body fixed frame and rotation of whole system about the axes of Lab system, as well as the coupling between vibrations and rotation. 给出了一个描写多极形变系统集体运动的普遍公式,在那里,动能被拆分成三部分:体坐标框架下的振动,体坐标系围绕实验室系的转动以及振动与转动的耦合。
Relative to public economy, private economy ( state-owned economy and collective economy) is characterized by private as its main body in economic realm. 民营经济是相对公营经济(包括国营经济和集体经济)而言的,是表明以民作为经营主体的经济学范畴,包括公有民营和民有民营两部分。
After-class physical activities are activities students take part in after class in individual or collective form to promote body and mind development. 课外体育活动是学生利用课余时间,采取个人或集体的形式,通过自身的身体练习,使身心得到发展的活动。
The third is that the administrative monopoly is the collective illegal activity which implements by the administrative main body. 第三层是行政垄断是由行政主体实施的集体违法行为。
Thirdly, members of collective organization is the body of land responsibility manage rights. 作为土地承包经营权主体应是集体经济组织的成员。
At present, the academia of the collective land ownership main body reconfiguration path is divided into one layer and a plurality of two kinds of. 目前,学界对集体土地所有权主体重构的结构路径分为为一元和多元两种。
This article through analysis it is pointed out that the collective land ownership main body unified reconstruction was too extreme and one-sided, retained ownership diversification is short-term reform must follow the principle of. 文章经过分析指出,集体土地所有权主体一元化重构显的过于极端和片面,保留所有权主体的多元化是短期改革必须遵循的原则。
Firstly, the article reviews the collective land ownership main body diversity dilemma. 首先文章反思了三级所有制度所有权主体多元化困境。
The collective forest tenure reform have experienced many times in southern collective forest area, but it has some problems such as the property right main body not to be clear, lacking of perfect moving mechanism and so. 南方集体林区历经多次林权变革,但始终存在林权主体不明晰、缺乏规范的流转制度等问题。
It provides tentative answers to the questions posed in part three and offers reasonable suggestions to the further developments of the collective agreement system of our country from perspectives of the independence of labor union, collective consultation, and the body of collective bargaining. 是对第三部分所分析出问题的回应,结合实际实施效果,从工会独立、集体谈判主体、集体协商等角度对集体合同制度的完善提出系统合理的建议。
From the starting of the content, features and the types of special interest groups and combination with the cases of collective corruption, the article demonstrates the main body of behavior of collective corruption is special interest group and proposes the new concept of collective corruption. 从特殊利益集团的内涵、特征及类型入手,与集团腐败案件相结合分析,论证了集团腐败的行为主体就是特殊利益集团,并提出了集团腐败的新的概念。
In theory, system is the way of solve the problem, but the public power of the operation must be implemented by individual or collective body. 从理论上看,制度是解决各种问题的手段,但是公共权力的运行必须落实到人格化的个体或集体身上才能实现。
The meeting of creditors is set in order to meet the needs of forming a unity mean, by all creditors formed a collective body resolution. 债权人会议正是为了满足这一需要而设置的,由全体债权人组成的集体决议机构。
Secondly, the article analyses the collective land ownership main body vacancy on all cause and effect. 其次,文章分析了集体土地所有权主体组织体缺陷及其原因。
Collective land ownership main body vacancy, multivariate structure fuzzy ills such as has been severely shaken the "three layers multivariate ownership system" stability. 集体土地所有权主体缺位、所有权主体多元结构模糊等弊病已经严重动摇了集体土地三级所有制度的稳固性。
Accordingly, the Chinese philosophy is developed around three questions: the relation of heaven and man, the relation of the collective and the individual and the relation of the body and the mind. 因此,中国哲学主要围绕三个问题而展开:天人关系,群己关系、身心关系。